Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday, so find a church

(backposting) I woke early, but had got maybe 7 hours over the entire night, which was excellent. I decided to try to find a church, and after some ridiculous confusion about where things were (and over a 3 mile walk), I ended up at The Church of the Holy Spirit for the 0830 communion. I turned up expecting it to be Roman Catholic (from information provided by the hotel), but the fact that the presiding priest was a woman was a bit of a give-away that it might not be. Praying for Rowan Williams and the Anglican communion sealed it.

Bizarrely, the sermon included some issues about changing jobs: God loves messing with coincidences, it appears. I had a good chat with Judith, the incumbent.

Then, to the first interview, with Darryl, at the Intercontinental. A good start. A couple of hours of nothing to do, so I went up the CN tower, and even managed to stand on the glass floor. Only just.

Then I drank some tea in a cafe, then found a church (St Andrew's, where there happened to be some people practicing for a service later on. There, singing, as Julia Churchill (I _think_ this is the right blog). She's a fantastic singer, and the band was good, too. I'm not usually into the sort of music they were doing, but I found it really inspiring, and wished that I'd been able to stay for the service.

After that, a meal with Micke, Harri, Johan and Gil. A good meal, and a great chat - I began to feel that I might fit into the company.


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